Friday, February 18, 2011

Refinishing A Formica Kitchen Tables

Hamas in trouble

Salam Fayad, the Palestinian prime minister'',''said long ago that 2011 would see the independence of his country,'' Palestine.'' For that it is working to establish the institutions necessary for its establishment and the recognition, if not by the state of Israel , at least by the international community. Recognition which will be difficult to do so as representatives of these institutions will not say the legitimacy of the polls. Especially in the light wind of freedom blowing in the region and required by the people''brothers.''

's intention Mahmoud Abbas , coerced and forced by necessity as well as the regional environment, is to hold presidential and legislative elections next September. Month in which the UN holds its annual general meeting and where official recognition of the''Palestine''by it will probably be sought, as well as to its legitimate representatives elected by universal suffrage. An election rejected by the Hamas , totalitarian party failing to recognize the vote of an elector when it is taken for granted. A poll in which he must prevent at all costs because it is held to observe the newly elected officials boast of popular support it will then default.

Lack of counteracting external nuisances that democratic decision-that it causes, and support-seek, the Hamas then will face three choices.

The first is the denial of any involvement in this election and its ban on the territory it controls. So, be authorized at the election the only members of Fatah , or others, and Hamas will be recognized as anti-democratic. What will hurt him in the future in the eyes of the people he claims to represent or inspire Gazans to imitate Egyptians and Tunisians .

The second choice would be to participate in Judea Samaria and , but prohibit any election in the Gaza Strip. What seems unthinkable at first, unless its candidates in disguise themselves''independent''candidates. Again, unlikely that President Mahmoud Abbas escapes or otherwise supported by the Fatah and the PLO , and the majority of the parliamentary assembly to become''independent''.

The final solution, only realistic one, is to organize the election throughout the territory. An election closely monitored by neutral observers claimed by both parties, has little chance of playing into Hamas's and extend it to the positions held by the force after being his coup of 2007. Except to demonstrate that it has the means to successfully deal with "the Zionist enemy . Such as the release of a thousand prisoners obtained by the exchange of Gilad Shalit and who would look the best few weeks before the election.

A Map that Hamas forced will play to error have other and exchange that government Israeli should carry without jeopardize safety country so terminate Calvary soldier and his family. Even if what it appears to favor the Hamas in the upcoming elections.

In this con game that will not see much future for peace or recognition as a state of the Jewish people, Israel will at least finally got his soldier.


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