Saturday, December 25, 2010

Przykładowe Reklamy Na Plafonach

Judenrein? Breaking the silence

Only fools and useful idiots still affirm the will of the Palestinian Authority negotiate to find the formula leads to the equation Two states for two peoples . In fact, after having worn the hat-stalled negotiations never started-by Israel, Palestinian leaders'',''supported by the Arab League , decided, " of expose the issue of Israeli settlement again before the Security Council and get a resolution stating, inter alia, the nature of this activity illegal (...) and forcing Israel to stop .

What's better, in fact, as making the legal refusal to see Israelis the nationality''Palestinian''?

The project will be put before the UN Council in February 2011. A resolution to certify the illegality of the "colonies " Israeli-located in the territories of Judea and conquered Samaria following the war of self defense in 1967 - but most will aim to declare by the band, the irregularity of the Jewish presence in what was the cradle of Judaism . A decision in the end, which will legalize the ethnic cleansing of the territory to become the second state of''Palestine''after one of Jordan.

Beyond " 1967 borders" is also East Jerusalem. The new resolution to appoint therefore also the inhabitants of this part of the city as " settlers" and their presence will be considered illegal. Worse! The Jewish inhabitants of the old city of King David , enshrined Solomon and rebuilt by Herod will show as illegal. Better! Jews worldwide pray that next year either Jerusalem will in the future it will remain forever futile as a prayer residents. At a pinch as tourists and the whim of future local potentate.

only remained for the Palestinian Authority then only require with the Council of international sanctions to force Israel to comply with this resolution and to demand a new decision recognizing this time, this judenrein territory as a state of Palestinian people''.'' Then remains only the problem of relocating the " seven million refugees" within of Israel to see a "just and equitable peace " settle in the region!

Given the current composition of the Security Council , it is difficult to believe that the draft resolution to come will be hard to make the breakthrough. Only one vote against a permanent member can prevent its adoption. The France and England being''country''Dhimmitude, it is difficult for Israel hope their veto. Like that of Russia , country listening to the Muslim world. Ditto for China perpetually in search of black gold, material owned largely by the same world.

Rest of the USA directed by Barak Hussein Obama . At last the U.S. administration has requested that this resolution is waived. Suggesting that the U.S. President not institutionalize anti-Semitism and will not do the Jewish people a people apart.


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