Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Best Dunebuggy Blueprints

or intelligence?

" Paris Match publishes excerpts of a paper book out in January: 200 damning testimony of senior IDF revealing the atrocities, acts illegal and contrary to human rights perpetrated in the occupied territories by the Israeli army .

Lured by the sensationalist title and announcement tempting, no drive, a tad curious, can resist the temptation to plunge into the record to learn more about these " 200 overwhelming evidence "of" officers and noncommissioned officers of the IDF, serious, reliable and who love their country beyond any . All members, of course, association Israeli left-wing Breaking the silence . An association wishing to generate, according to one of its founders Yehuda Shaul " a real serious discussion in Israel, because this time, our testimonials are endless, verified, indisputable: there has 180 and we are doing an analysis, what is new .

With the experience and reputation of this newspaper, and its motto " The weight of words and pictures shock," the reader expects So crisp and emblematic of the revelations of the book on the''inhuman''behavior of IDF, army so disparaged recently by the report Goldstone , but not only. He expects, he hopes, that the best bits of the book selected by the journalists of the weekly charge of the case, describe in detail the " war crimes" and "crimes against humanity "committed any time by the Israelis and both denounced by right-thinking international.
In vain! The weight and the shock of this newspaper are not what they once were.

Reading the testimonies chosen for publication , one wonders to what use such a file other than journalistic sell paper or, ultimately, to tarnish a bit plus the reputation and name of the Jewish state in order to delegitimize a bit more and increase anti-Semitism. All this without any evidence or specific details are not disclosed and could possibly allow a complaint to be prepared. To believe that they are hardly as damning as that!

way, and if we fully trust these''stories,''the soldiers on the orders of course and not on a personal initiative, which will begin at once the''Credit''that Association-have committed heinous acts''.''

-Tel, the launch " of stun grenades in the streets (...) to scare " at three o'clock in the morning.

- confiscation of equipment Hebron clinic and belonging to Hamas: " computers, telephones, printers, other things there for thousands of shekels. The reason? Touch the Hamas portfolio.

- building the security fence which adversely affects the farmer uprooting his fig.

- installing checkpoints surprises.

- the grid of a city to disrupt terrorist activity.

- destroying the homes of terrorists.

- protecting " settlers' aggressive course.

Beyond this evidence, the other two still retain the attention because it concerns " the assassination" of two''Palestinian''. The first of them was "killed (...) ignorance of the local rituals . The second, despite being unarmed, because walking two in the morning on the roofs and supposed to be a "watchman "By Captain alerted by radio.

One book, one hundred and four to twenty witnesses described as "damning , including those cited above are undoubtedly what journalists have found to engage in more crisp their readers! Facts which may disappoint those who fund this organization or those waiting for the''material''for their convictions systematic " the Zionist entity."

There is no need an association or a book to know that war is a murderous activity which, moreover, allows dirty acts or regulations and not always respectful of innocent people on the premises. These''evidence''on which we could write little confusing for a lot, can be held on any other armies in the world, not necessarily on the most bloodthirsty. Charges which would not, then raised the slightest suspicion as to''abuses or illegal acts contrary to human rights''committed by them, and not worth a line in such week.

But the fate of Israel , unlike most other nations, is of interest beyond its borders. Especially when it is maligned by its own citizens so few representatives of society as a whole.


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