Thursday, December 30, 2010

How Much Does A Mulberry Cost

BHL and its lights

Bernard Henry Levy is an intellectual whose quality One is to stick to the air it is politically correct. In view of the weekly Le Point titled "Honor Muslims " it gives the perfect measure. Thus, for him, the organization of international conference on Islamization of Europe , held in Paris December 18 last, was reduced to only two associations. One being the "neo-Nazi splinter group who had made famous, July 14, 2002, attempting to assassinate Jacques Chirac "- here the identity Bloc has decided to sue for libel because its existence began in April 2003 - the latter being only a" handful of former Trotskyites gathered under the banner of the website secular response!

gear when you know that 27 associations of different political make up the organization of this event. Focus attention on only these two opposing political associations with the colors indicating at least a willingness to harm and not understanding to enable an understanding of the thing.

But that is not the current topic.

In his view, BHL says he has "no thank you a war between, on one side, supporters of the updating of a faith which, like other monotheistic before she would decide to set the time of the rights issue and, on the other artisans that I am not mistaken, the first to have called fascislamism . He immediately adds, " that the former are often too timid or simply too few and that it is the latter, I mean the fanatics who hold almost everywhere, the high ground is clearly .

And that's where the shoe pinches the''Western''souchiens tired of seeing the expansion of Islam rigid and obscurantist in their countries. Annoyed to see that the authorities know what is bothering more and more a growing number of individuals. Exasperated to see the political parties make compromises with this religion with the aim to obtain the votes of believers in the elections. Upset to see the collective rights of democratic societies violated in the name of human rights requiring the performance of rites and customs of another age.

This separation of the sexes in common areas like swimming pools, the port in public places a veil or a hijab by Muslim women to avoid the sight and contact with fellow ;; halal food in canteens and rejecting the food choices of other citizens. Not to mention the appropriation of public space without permission of prayer times, and that to the dismay of residents, and construction of mosques often at the expense of the state and therefore taxpayers' money. To mention only the most visible requirements.

non-exhaustive list shows non compliance to the dominant culture and an attempt to alter by force and not by persuasion. Rape, in whatever way, also made by Muslims''moderates''in the name of their right to their religion and denounced by those Bernard Henry Levy quickly qualifies as "neo-Nazis " and "Trotskyites . What needs to smile a majority of the Swiss people that in two separate referenda scored his''intolerant''to the Islamization of his country!

There is little doubt the attentive reader of Western politics that public authorities have rejected any idea of legislating to force definitively the Islam to being a private matter. Not to endorse the requirement for the majority it is feared that this attitude leads people to make choices and violent reactions and the West to a catastrophic situation.

But all this, Henry Bernard Levy , the intellectual that he claims to be, does not see it.


This article been censored by the site See related article titled Requiem for site .

Monday, December 27, 2010

Platelet Donation Risks

What good bargain? A Jerusalem

After all conflict is logically the time of negotiations to finalize the various different. Negotiators have certainly primary mission of defending their own interests but also that of making compromises to move towards the desired peace. Accommodations that will confirm the mutual interest of parties to continue these negotiations to a better future for the region.

In the Middle East conflict, dating back several decades, the peace process initiated in 1993 has resulted in the fact that a return to square one and the probable future confrontations.

If the Israeli people through its various governments have accepted the idea of an exchange territories against peace, it is not the same with the Palestinian leadership''''inculcating in their people that peace must be nothing less than a capitulation of the Jewish people .

Thus, the current president of the Palestinian Authority , Mahmoud Abbas proclaims his desire to see the future independent state of Palestine'' ''purged of any Israeli presence. Beyond the spirit of the Charter of Rights allowing each live where he likes but according to local laws, the Jewish people should he withdraw from the land which was the birthplace of Judaism ? Is it possible, during a peace process, as nationals of either party are, from the outset banned from while the other belligerent demands the exact opposite for its hundreds of thousands of its citizens?

Is this the way to envisage a new beginning for the region?

The Israelis have also compromise the city of Jerusalem . About the city, mainly the Temple Mount since 1967 become the Esplanade of the Mosques and the third holiest site of Islam Israeli governments (though in opposition to the majority of their people) have proposed a partition. Muslim neighborhoods will be the''Palestine,''the Israeli Jewish neighborhoods. The Esplanade ''under Palestinian responsibility,''the Wailing Wall as that of Israel . As for the basement of the Temple Mount it will be managed jointly.

The response of the Palestinians''was''always negative. Their vice-minister of information Mutawakel Taha has until recently said that " according to Muslim tradition, the Wall is a Muslim holy site as part of the Esplanade of the Mosques and where the Prophet Muhammad tied his horse legendary Al Buraq ". "The Al-Buraq Wall is the western wall (the site) Al-Aqsa, whose occupation Zionist falsely claiming ownership (...). The wall was never part of the so-called Jewish temple .

We can do more directly for the Jewish people has no connection with this city!

Another requirement of the part''Palestinian''has demonstrated the lack of seriousness to be attached to his''commitment''to peace. The chief negotiators of the camp, Saeb Arekat , raised the issue of return of refugees '''' within the state of Israel . Of''refugees''to the number seven million, educated at the rancor and the certainty that the Jews are responsible for the fate that is theirs now. A demand which, if it were implemented, does much peace for Jews in their own homeland.

A summarize the above claims of the Palestinians'',''we see that:

a) the new state of''Palestine''will be purged of all Jewish presence.

b) the rights of Jewish people to the holy city are not recognized.

c) that the Jewish state must raise hundreds of thousands of''refugee''in lieu of the state to be born.

Given these findings, the question is simply what good bargain ?

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Przykładowe Reklamy Na Plafonach

Judenrein? Breaking the silence

Only fools and useful idiots still affirm the will of the Palestinian Authority negotiate to find the formula leads to the equation Two states for two peoples . In fact, after having worn the hat-stalled negotiations never started-by Israel, Palestinian leaders'',''supported by the Arab League , decided, " of expose the issue of Israeli settlement again before the Security Council and get a resolution stating, inter alia, the nature of this activity illegal (...) and forcing Israel to stop .

What's better, in fact, as making the legal refusal to see Israelis the nationality''Palestinian''?

The project will be put before the UN Council in February 2011. A resolution to certify the illegality of the "colonies " Israeli-located in the territories of Judea and conquered Samaria following the war of self defense in 1967 - but most will aim to declare by the band, the irregularity of the Jewish presence in what was the cradle of Judaism . A decision in the end, which will legalize the ethnic cleansing of the territory to become the second state of''Palestine''after one of Jordan.

Beyond " 1967 borders" is also East Jerusalem. The new resolution to appoint therefore also the inhabitants of this part of the city as " settlers" and their presence will be considered illegal. Worse! The Jewish inhabitants of the old city of King David , enshrined Solomon and rebuilt by Herod will show as illegal. Better! Jews worldwide pray that next year either Jerusalem will in the future it will remain forever futile as a prayer residents. At a pinch as tourists and the whim of future local potentate.

only remained for the Palestinian Authority then only require with the Council of international sanctions to force Israel to comply with this resolution and to demand a new decision recognizing this time, this judenrein territory as a state of Palestinian people''.'' Then remains only the problem of relocating the " seven million refugees" within of Israel to see a "just and equitable peace " settle in the region!

Given the current composition of the Security Council , it is difficult to believe that the draft resolution to come will be hard to make the breakthrough. Only one vote against a permanent member can prevent its adoption. The France and England being''country''Dhimmitude, it is difficult for Israel hope their veto. Like that of Russia , country listening to the Muslim world. Ditto for China perpetually in search of black gold, material owned largely by the same world.

Rest of the USA directed by Barak Hussein Obama . At last the U.S. administration has requested that this resolution is waived. Suggesting that the U.S. President not institutionalize anti-Semitism and will not do the Jewish people a people apart.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Best Dunebuggy Blueprints

or intelligence?

" Paris Match publishes excerpts of a paper book out in January: 200 damning testimony of senior IDF revealing the atrocities, acts illegal and contrary to human rights perpetrated in the occupied territories by the Israeli army .

Lured by the sensationalist title and announcement tempting, no drive, a tad curious, can resist the temptation to plunge into the record to learn more about these " 200 overwhelming evidence "of" officers and noncommissioned officers of the IDF, serious, reliable and who love their country beyond any . All members, of course, association Israeli left-wing Breaking the silence . An association wishing to generate, according to one of its founders Yehuda Shaul " a real serious discussion in Israel, because this time, our testimonials are endless, verified, indisputable: there has 180 and we are doing an analysis, what is new .

With the experience and reputation of this newspaper, and its motto " The weight of words and pictures shock," the reader expects So crisp and emblematic of the revelations of the book on the''inhuman''behavior of IDF, army so disparaged recently by the report Goldstone , but not only. He expects, he hopes, that the best bits of the book selected by the journalists of the weekly charge of the case, describe in detail the " war crimes" and "crimes against humanity "committed any time by the Israelis and both denounced by right-thinking international.
In vain! The weight and the shock of this newspaper are not what they once were.

Reading the testimonies chosen for publication , one wonders to what use such a file other than journalistic sell paper or, ultimately, to tarnish a bit plus the reputation and name of the Jewish state in order to delegitimize a bit more and increase anti-Semitism. All this without any evidence or specific details are not disclosed and could possibly allow a complaint to be prepared. To believe that they are hardly as damning as that!

way, and if we fully trust these''stories,''the soldiers on the orders of course and not on a personal initiative, which will begin at once the''Credit''that Association-have committed heinous acts''.''

-Tel, the launch " of stun grenades in the streets (...) to scare " at three o'clock in the morning.

- confiscation of equipment Hebron clinic and belonging to Hamas: " computers, telephones, printers, other things there for thousands of shekels. The reason? Touch the Hamas portfolio.

- building the security fence which adversely affects the farmer uprooting his fig.

- installing checkpoints surprises.

- the grid of a city to disrupt terrorist activity.

- destroying the homes of terrorists.

- protecting " settlers' aggressive course.

Beyond this evidence, the other two still retain the attention because it concerns " the assassination" of two''Palestinian''. The first of them was "killed (...) ignorance of the local rituals . The second, despite being unarmed, because walking two in the morning on the roofs and supposed to be a "watchman "By Captain alerted by radio.

One book, one hundred and four to twenty witnesses described as "damning , including those cited above are undoubtedly what journalists have found to engage in more crisp their readers! Facts which may disappoint those who fund this organization or those waiting for the''material''for their convictions systematic " the Zionist entity."

There is no need an association or a book to know that war is a murderous activity which, moreover, allows dirty acts or regulations and not always respectful of innocent people on the premises. These''evidence''on which we could write little confusing for a lot, can be held on any other armies in the world, not necessarily on the most bloodthirsty. Charges which would not, then raised the slightest suspicion as to''abuses or illegal acts contrary to human rights''committed by them, and not worth a line in such week.

But the fate of Israel , unlike most other nations, is of interest beyond its borders. Especially when it is maligned by its own citizens so few representatives of society as a whole.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Price Of Playtex Regular Tampons In Indian Price

A song for Gilad Shalit Israeli

Mr lonely. Listen carefully to the lyrics. They adapt to the particular situation of the kidnapped soldier.

Video subtitled in Hebrew. At the end is written this: "I know what my child sent to the army, I do not know which child I would get in return."

Online Ftv Channel In Midnight Hot

The useful idiots are back

can not count the''success''that the Israeli left has created for his country since 1993, seventeen years. The first of these was the "Oslo Accords " which could not, however, allow the reelection of their initiator Shimon Peres in 1996. Then came the Camp David negotiations in 2000 which brought back the U.S. an armed intifada and its toll Israel. The "Geneva Initiative " meanwhile, allowed in 2003, political pressure and international media, the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip advocated by the then leader of the left Amram Mitzna . A withdrawal implemented by Ariel Sharon and his center-left party Kadima in 2005 that led ultimately to the operation Cast Lead end of 2008. As for discussions of Annapolis , they did as the only result to see Mahmoud Abbas Fatah of rompre ces pourparlers lors de cette opération militaire et soutenir un Hamas en bout de souffle et ayant comme seul objectif   l’éradication de «  l’entité sioniste  ».
Discussions have shown that most irredeemably offered by Israel did not reach the minimum required by the other party.

With these''successes'', left, and the useful idiots who are back up. Thus, Amram Mitzna , who is well-chief of this squadron, visited Ramallah last Sunday at a symposium organized by''officials''of the Geneva Initiative to meet the Chairman of the Authority Palestinian and his government. He has been quietly, and without the presence of media driven the need for confidentiality, indicate that on his return to power, Israel withdraws to the "1967 borders " and Jerusalem will be shared. " Thus, the Palestinians have their state " he said.

Regarding the requirement of a''right of return of refugees within''of Israel entant and recognition that the focus of the Jewish people, the useful idiot in chief does not speak for fear of angering his friends, and so demonstrate the futility of his approach.

At the end of the conference, the former Labour Party leader has criticized the policy course Netanyahu vis-à-vis the peace process by saying that the Prime Minister Israeli " brought Israel years back." Strange when you know that since coming to the presidency of the council did able to negotiate seriously with Abbas for causes of pre-conditions. A president of the AP providing yet at the conference that his people " want peace and wants peace . He said that peace will only be achieved through negotiations, " is the only solution and we have no intention of letting this opportunity pass " he added.

We are again appalled at not having heard when the pretender to the post of party secretary general Labor Advisor his friend to go check the intentions Benjamin Netanyahu rather than waiting a very hypothetical return of the defeatist left in power! Silence eloquent proof that the goal is to continue the fiction of a Palestinian partner,''''in place to ensure, first, and by all means, living in security and peace of the Israeli people on earth of his ancestors. Silence also showing, if it were needed, that the Palestinian''peace''means nothing other than the requirement of a total capitulation to "the entity Zionist. "

We can therefore expect that the useful idiots of the Israeli left us so soon nauseous their magic hat''a new agreement''for a''initiative''and even a call to a summons compelling the international Jewish state sided concessions on borders and Jerusalem . Two subjects who did nothing to settle the conflict which will allow these useful idiots to imagine a day where they will take back the reins of Israeli power.

power which saw them escape much longer the maturity of Israeli voters gained by repeated failures of the political line. A power that will focus, for many years to come around the Likud , guarded closely by Israel Beiteinou of Avigdor Lieberman and Shas party rejecting any partition of the capital and his hometown saint. An alliance that will hold the time requirements of an abandonment of a "right of return " and sharing Jerusalem are met and the security of the Jewish state that this is definitely entant assured.