Thursday, February 3, 2011

Letter To Franchise Sample

Barack Obama: "The authority has strengthened my faith"

This Thursday, February 3, Barack Obama spoke about his faith, at the "prayer breakfast" annual. " Like all of us, my report to the faith has undergone ups and downs. This was not always a straight line. (...) After the failures and disappointments, I wondered what God reserved for me, and it reminded me that God's plans do not always correspond to our desires short term, "he said.
Moreover, the President of the United States shared that " past two years, power has strengthened [his] faith . According to him, " the presidency under the curious to make someone feel the need to pray . Finally, Obama said that "this in politics, when the debates are so polarized (...), it is useful to return to the Scriptures to remind us that nobody has all the answers .


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