Monday, December 20, 2010

Online Ftv Channel In Midnight Hot

The useful idiots are back

can not count the''success''that the Israeli left has created for his country since 1993, seventeen years. The first of these was the "Oslo Accords " which could not, however, allow the reelection of their initiator Shimon Peres in 1996. Then came the Camp David negotiations in 2000 which brought back the U.S. an armed intifada and its toll Israel. The "Geneva Initiative " meanwhile, allowed in 2003, political pressure and international media, the unilateral withdrawal from the Gaza Strip advocated by the then leader of the left Amram Mitzna . A withdrawal implemented by Ariel Sharon and his center-left party Kadima in 2005 that led ultimately to the operation Cast Lead end of 2008. As for discussions of Annapolis , they did as the only result to see Mahmoud Abbas Fatah of rompre ces pourparlers lors de cette opération militaire et soutenir un Hamas en bout de souffle et ayant comme seul objectif   l’éradication de «  l’entité sioniste  ».
Discussions have shown that most irredeemably offered by Israel did not reach the minimum required by the other party.

With these''successes'', left, and the useful idiots who are back up. Thus, Amram Mitzna , who is well-chief of this squadron, visited Ramallah last Sunday at a symposium organized by''officials''of the Geneva Initiative to meet the Chairman of the Authority Palestinian and his government. He has been quietly, and without the presence of media driven the need for confidentiality, indicate that on his return to power, Israel withdraws to the "1967 borders " and Jerusalem will be shared. " Thus, the Palestinians have their state " he said.

Regarding the requirement of a''right of return of refugees within''of Israel entant and recognition that the focus of the Jewish people, the useful idiot in chief does not speak for fear of angering his friends, and so demonstrate the futility of his approach.

At the end of the conference, the former Labour Party leader has criticized the policy course Netanyahu vis-à-vis the peace process by saying that the Prime Minister Israeli " brought Israel years back." Strange when you know that since coming to the presidency of the council did able to negotiate seriously with Abbas for causes of pre-conditions. A president of the AP providing yet at the conference that his people " want peace and wants peace . He said that peace will only be achieved through negotiations, " is the only solution and we have no intention of letting this opportunity pass " he added.

We are again appalled at not having heard when the pretender to the post of party secretary general Labor Advisor his friend to go check the intentions Benjamin Netanyahu rather than waiting a very hypothetical return of the defeatist left in power! Silence eloquent proof that the goal is to continue the fiction of a Palestinian partner,''''in place to ensure, first, and by all means, living in security and peace of the Israeli people on earth of his ancestors. Silence also showing, if it were needed, that the Palestinian''peace''means nothing other than the requirement of a total capitulation to "the entity Zionist. "

We can therefore expect that the useful idiots of the Israeli left us so soon nauseous their magic hat''a new agreement''for a''initiative''and even a call to a summons compelling the international Jewish state sided concessions on borders and Jerusalem . Two subjects who did nothing to settle the conflict which will allow these useful idiots to imagine a day where they will take back the reins of Israeli power.

power which saw them escape much longer the maturity of Israeli voters gained by repeated failures of the political line. A power that will focus, for many years to come around the Likud , guarded closely by Israel Beiteinou of Avigdor Lieberman and Shas party rejecting any partition of the capital and his hometown saint. An alliance that will hold the time requirements of an abandonment of a "right of return " and sharing Jerusalem are met and the security of the Jewish state that this is definitely entant assured.


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