Thursday, January 20, 2011

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Dbms

shared goal among Palestinians'''' The World Peace Now

Everyone remembers that the''Palestinian'' Jawaher Abu Rahmah had succumbed to the hospital in Ramallah result, they said, to'' ''Israeli brutality exercised in a peaceful'' weekly demonstration against the route the wall of separation''to Bilin . Death due to inhaling tear gas at the rally. Died immediately attributed to the''brutality''by the Israeli military politically correct version of the customary things. That of use spontaneous pushing up the vice ridicule Israeli explanation whatsoever and taking cash, without checks, those from ''Palestinian leaders.'' Responsible, as Saeb Arékat , not hesitating to describe also the death of "Israeli war crime !

Following these hasty accusations, the Israeli army has appointed a commission of inquiry which has just made a report based on medical records of the deceased and related treatment provided. Hence the conclusion of a " Deaths caused due to misdiagnosis and inappropriate care that followed .

due to ignorance of the inhaled gas, the doctors have to undergo treatment against poisoning with phosphorus fertilizer instead of a tear gas poisoning. She was treated with atropine, a massive dose, thereby causing an overdose.

Conclusion corroborating the claims of the Israeli army and then exonerate of any charge. Particularly, that of "war crime " advanced so quickly, then forgotten for lack of wanting to go through the box apology.

Regret not presented by the representatives of the politically correct media, such Laurent Zecchini the daily Le Monde , who has used this unfortunate fact for communicate to its readers, with the approval of his writing, anti-Israel venom that inhabits it. A newspaper was presented to its readership, at the time of this writing, the conclusion of the report leading to an Israeli unbearable innocence in his eyes.

As for the splinter group Peace Now , displayed in the pro-Israel think like many others of his ilk, he did not hesitate to organize the next day in Tel Aviv an event in protest of the death of Abu Rahmah Jawaher .

Thus, it is written in their press release then-" Jawaher Abu Rahmah is thus the first victim of this conflict in 2011 . To date, the chapel of the''peace at any price''did not bother to refute and correct the''truth''. A conviction as an accomplice of the haters of "the Zionist entity " and which necessarily compelled to see his political opponents of "right-wing extremists . A belief that foul sees the Palestinians''victims''and their''brothers''blood automatically of potential assassins.

Forgetting, of these supporters of a fanatical Palestinianism, correction and / or publication of the report is not fair to surprise observers. These are not fooled by their writings as granting more credit to their claim to defend the values of human rights. A scheme allowing them to infuse anti-globalization ideology is dangerous to the future of the individual and especially for the Jewish state and therefore its people.

policy emetic to force everyone to not take their word at their next anti-Israel diatribes.


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