We can not say enough, " the boycott call is legal . At least if one believes the charter of the BDS Campaign France which is, according to it, "a civic, nonviolent response to Israel's impunity . Hence this tool " of civic expression for the Implementation of International Law " that " fight against the unlawful Israeli politics (...). This site provides you with factual and legal arguments well documented "(sic).
But before spreading''the legal arguments,'' BDS tale to his readers "a little history . A fiction that says " Palestine existed before Israel even if it was colonized Palestine, in an era that denied the principle of self-determination of peoples. After of WWI, the League of Nations (SDN) has mandated the United Kingdom to administer Palestine. a simple mandate, because Palestine was not for the League nor the United Kingdom. In 1947, the United Kingdom announced its intention to terminate its mandate, and the General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II) recommending sharing plan, a two-state solution . This recommendation had no creative force , because the UN could not "give" a land that not his "(re sic).
This short excerpt, however, leave guess between the lines that Palestine was once an independent state. A country which is impossible for anyone except to falsify the history again, to quote its currency, its historical capital or even an officer at the time. If it is specified as " belonged neither to the League nor the United Kingdom " is given to understand that any division was therefore illegal and that this land should come back automatically and fully its legitimate'' owners''who are''the Palestinians''... of course!
What is not said, however, and is deliberately overlooked, is that a first partition took place in 1923. Sharing the BDS Campaign does not call into question even though it was decided by the same League, the forerunner of the UN, and implemented by the same UK. creating a division for nearly eighty percent of the territory of Palestine agent a country called Transjordan front and back the Arabs of Palestine . Country which was no less illogically assigned to a tribe belonging to the Saudi royal family to save, by this, the British oil interests!
The remaining twenty percent to return to the other people then living in the same territory. A region extending from the Mediterranean to Jordan, including Jerusalem and to satisfy the wish of a refuge for the Jewish people.
All this and much more are subtracted from the mind of the reader. And in light of''the story''told, detailed and very very briefly discussed here, we are able to imagine what might be "legal arguments " group legal BDS !
laconically noted first that the members of this campaign is based on the laws of the early twentieth century laid down by the same SDN. An international body that issued Resolution 181 in 1947 and then " had no creative force, because the UN could not" give "a land that does not belong to him " but, miracle has regained all his powers as they serve to delegitimize Israel .
Thus, as for example resolution 194 , passed by the General Assembly this forum and have no binding force is cited as an argument about "refugees ; Palestinian .
The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 is cited for its for its article 49 which states that " the Occupying Power shall not proceed with the deportation or transfer of a part of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies . Each attempt, of course indefinitely, dates and locations of the''transfer''and may even question the "settlers " about it! of Israelis volunteers to populate this part of the territory which would then return to the Jewish people during the first partition, and a majority of their fellow citizens is ready to sell when the Jewish state will be formally recognized and treated as such by the Muslim world.
Recognition still distant on the ground and totally absent from this campaign Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions . A public initiative that silent supporters knowingly risk its judicial as seen by the French courts as a "public provocation to discrimination." An act illegal cost at each trial a few hundred dollars to ordinary members caught in the act of antisemitism is big but electorally politicians supporting it.
campaign so that little hesitation to truncate the history or interpretation of international law according to his need to delegitimize the Jewish state and who demonstrates to end all its harmfulness. Exposing a nuisance during the day to be evil in Western societies refusing to fight.