Sunday, January 30, 2011

Japanese Chex Mix Recipe

BDS between history, laws and anti-Semitism

We can not say enough, " the boycott call is legal . At least if one believes the charter of the BDS Campaign France which is, according to it, "a civic, nonviolent response to Israel's impunity . Hence this tool " of civic expression for the Implementation of International Law " that " fight against the unlawful Israeli politics (...). This site provides you with factual and legal arguments well documented "(sic).

But before spreading''the legal arguments,'' BDS tale to his readers "a little history . A fiction that says " Palestine existed before Israel even if it was colonized Palestine, in an era that denied the principle of self-determination of peoples. After of WWI, the League of Nations (SDN) has mandated the United Kingdom to administer Palestine. a simple mandate, because Palestine was not for the League nor the United Kingdom. In 1947, the United Kingdom announced its intention to terminate its mandate, and the General Assembly adopted resolution 181 (II) recommending sharing plan, a two-state solution . This recommendation had no creative force , because the UN could not "give" a land that not his "(re sic).

This short excerpt, however, leave guess between the lines that Palestine was once an independent state. A country which is impossible for anyone except to falsify the history again, to quote its currency, its historical capital or even an officer at the time. If it is specified as " belonged neither to the League nor the United Kingdom " is given to understand that any division was therefore illegal and that this land should come back automatically and fully its legitimate'' owners''who are''the Palestinians''... of course!

What is not said, however, and is deliberately overlooked, is that a first partition took place in 1923. Sharing the BDS Campaign does not call into question even though it was decided by the same League, the forerunner of the UN, and implemented by the same UK. creating a division for nearly eighty percent of the territory of Palestine agent a country called Transjordan front and back the Arabs of Palestine . Country which was no less illogically assigned to a tribe belonging to the Saudi royal family to save, by this, the British oil interests!

The remaining twenty percent to return to the other people then living in the same territory. A region extending from the Mediterranean to Jordan, including Jerusalem and to satisfy the wish of a refuge for the Jewish people.

All this and much more are subtracted from the mind of the reader. And in light of''the story''told, detailed and very very briefly discussed here, we are able to imagine what might be "legal arguments " group legal BDS !

laconically noted first that the members of this campaign is based on the laws of the early twentieth century laid down by the same SDN. An international body that issued Resolution 181 in 1947 and then " had no creative force, because the UN could not" give "a land that does not belong to him " but, miracle has regained all his powers as they serve to delegitimize Israel .

Thus, as for example resolution 194 , passed by the General Assembly this forum and have no binding force is cited as an argument about "refugees ; Palestinian .

The Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949 is cited for its for its article 49 which states that " the Occupying Power shall not proceed with the deportation or transfer of a part of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies . Each attempt, of course indefinitely, dates and locations of the''transfer''and may even question the "settlers " about it! of Israelis volunteers to populate this part of the territory which would then return to the Jewish people during the first partition, and a majority of their fellow citizens is ready to sell when the Jewish state will be formally recognized and treated as such by the Muslim world.

Recognition still distant on the ground and totally absent from this campaign Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions . A public initiative that silent supporters knowingly risk its judicial as seen by the French courts as a "public provocation to discrimination." An act illegal cost at each trial a few hundred dollars to ordinary members caught in the act of antisemitism is big but electorally politicians supporting it.

campaign so that little hesitation to truncate the history or interpretation of international law according to his need to delegitimize the Jewish state and who demonstrates to end all its harmfulness. Exposing a nuisance during the day to be evil in Western societies refusing to fight.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Household Lube Safe With Condoms

Le Monde increasingly abject

Nothing is published in the daily Le Monde without, of course, endorsed by management, as well as the editor. This is to make clear how great is his responsibility for the hatred of the Jewish state. If journalists are not enough paid to that, then is put to the''views''of''personalities''or not speaking to this effect.

Thus, the "point of view " of Slavoj Zizek, a philosopher and psychoanalyst, entitled " Israel, a country like other "combines the worst cliches in respect of this small country. So much so, that one questions whether an error in the title!? For if this small country is like the others, then in what planet do we live and what good writing specifically about it?

Slavoj Zivek acts as a pamphlet in the same manner as any attorney's usual state. He met some clamps''truths'', has kneaded a few unannounced sulfur mixtures and a conclusion on the whole population. This is to allow the desired conclusion. Namely the disappearance of Israel .
posture that recalls other inglorious!

He began by taking up what is, without making any nuances, " In Israel, according to media reports of an upsurge of measures taken by official bodies, rabbis, organizations Private groups and other residents to prevent dating and intermarriage . Then continues with what appears to be delirious " In East Jerusalem, the vigilante groups patrolling to prevent Jewish women of the neighborhood to mingle with Arabs .

It does not say here where are these groups, what they recognize the Jewish''Palestinian''who speak fluent Hebrew and dress the same way! It does not say here what authority the Jews would be separated from his contacts Muslims!? It is still not here said the authority under which these acts "self-defense groups"!? However, it is now more affirming that the law is no longer on the agenda in Israel!

After these groups is the service informers. He continues: "The municipality of Petah Tikva has established a hotline for 24/24 to relatives and friends of Jewish denounce them - the girls are then treated as a pathological case and sent to a psychologist .

It does not say here whether young girls are forced into its care!? It is not said here if the psychologist leans on the arm the emblem of the ruling party and has the duty to treat the''patient''!? But it is implied by the existence of camps''reintegration''because in Israel's democracy no one can force others to treat such diseases''''!

A sequel?

Here: "A religious organization called Yad L'achim triggered operations almost military to rescue women from Arab villages "hostile" and in coordination with the police and army . If indeed such an association exists, it is common knowledge that it acts after the desperate call of a married woman, often a mother, abused and having had the boon of a moment of isolation to get that shot Wire saving. An association that acts only within the framework of a law worthy of any democracy and respect for this woman.

"self-defense groups " " informers "," rehabilitation care "... It does remind you of anything?

This is to help you! " which disturbs the protectors of the Jewish purity is that the Jewish are seduced by Palestinians (and non-Jews attracted by Palestinian women - but it certainly is normal, that humiliates the Palestinians and confirms the vitality of Jewish ...) ( ...) It is interesting to note that the Nazis fought exactly the same danger in the late 20s and early 30 years: they feared that not only appeal to Jewish Germans, but that Jews ladles, decadent and profiteers will seduce innocent Aryan! .

Must comment? The remainder to match, each player a minimum knowledge of history will admit, then, together with the author, see the need to eliminate this dreadful regime''.''

So here is his conclusion: "In this Israeli-Palestinian conflict also let's be realistic, demand the impossible: if there is a lesson to be learned from these endless negotiations is that the main obstacle to peace is precisely what is being proposed as a realistic solution, ie ie, two separate states .

In consequences, " the simplest and most obvious: a binational state, secular including all of Israel and the occupied territories and Gaza .

This provides the knowledge of demography runaway''Palestinian''a Jewish people in a few years back on the road and therefore stateless. But''analysis''of the author stops at the event this binational state, not his good works.

in the daily Le Monde , we do not skimp to find and disseminate the article, pamphlet, which is apolitical, thought and leading inevitably to the condemnation of Israel . The ideology that works this newspaper is so foul that the texts should circumvent the player in the optical a "Jewish settler racist" and not fighting for the existence of his country because refused by the neighboring countries, but also further afield.

An ideology that will surely, sooner or later, employees of this newspaper, but others also, in the courts.


Like Islam, The World has become a taboo on the site . This article has been censored. At this point, read the following article: Requien for site

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cocktails With Tequila

Alive! - Alive! The echoes of

The fifth international exhibition of pinhole photography looks good!
The following participants: Delio
Ansovini Toronto Canada @ N06 /
Anaïs Boudot Roubaix France /
Brazzalotto Olivier Clermont-Ferrand France
Luigi Brisso pifferi www.luigibrisso Barcelona Spain. com
Sylvain Charras Champ sur Drac, France
Raimundo Civera Redondo Montserrat Spain
Christian David Marquilly Salies-de-Béarn France
index . html
Sabine Dizel Paris France
Peter Donahoe Stuyvesant Falls (NY) USA
Maira Guttieres Fortaleza Brazil
Matthias Hagemann Shanghai China
Marcin Jedynak Krakow Poland
Lena Kallberg Årsta Sweden
D. Gegg Kemp Durham (North Carolina) USA
Elizabeth Kenneday June Lake (California) USA
Georgia Krawiec Warsaw Poland
Dominique Laroche-Varennes Vauzelles France
Claire Annette Mussard Gland Switzerland / f / clear-annettemussard
Pascale and Thierry nival
France Nantes France Odile Gicquel
Ryszard Poprawski Zielona Góra Poland
Antonio PRIANON Saint-Pierre (Reunion) France
Henry Thomas Rennes France /
Ilya Russia Moscow Tischenko
Mark Tweedie Coventry Britain .
uk Peter Wiklund Hägersten Sweden / photos / peterpinhole
And a video of
Willene Pilate Sarcelles France

Walls not extensible, there will also be presented on screen as a slide show made from pictures from

Bozzato Tomas (Grenoble, France), Laurent Diaz (Ivry / Seine, France);
Megan Dunbar (Bozeman , Montana USA), Dave Molnar (Roseville, Minnesota USA), Daniel Nowak (Montbéliard, France), Tomasz Rozalski (Jozefoslaw Poland).

Snowmobiles For Sale In Steamboat Springs

''Partner''peace and useful idiots

Some media do not repeat it enough. Israel has a partner for peace! And for the demonstration, any contribution to it will be amplified. Thus recently, in 1600 telegrams devoted to Middle East conflict, covering a period spanning two decades and released on the antenna Al-Jazia " may prove embarrassing for all parties involved "tells us the site online Rue89 .

" Embarrassants " for the Palestinians''to''making concessions''massive''and for Israelis who have''refused''.


Thus, that the Palestinian Authority was ready " to grant Israel sovereignty''over the largest Jewish Yerushalayim in history Jewish''in the words of Saeb Erekat (...) all Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem except one, in a final settlement .

Rue89 does not tell us what is the reason that the Har Homa neighborhood not remain under Jewish sovereignty? Is it better to hide the''claim''on the Palestinian Rachel's Tomb, Judaism's third holiest site? But, after all, we appreciate the generosity'''' AP not to claim the displacement of tens of thousands of other "colonies !

An altruism pushing''Palestinians''to also offer " divide the Old City of Jerusalem, and to leave Israel controlling the Jewish Quarter and part of the Armenian quarter " though still not up to propose a joint administration of Temple Mount, the first shrine of Judaism!

Another concession'' mass''of the same description: " the Palestinians were willing to limit to 10,000 the number of Palestinian refugees allowed to return to what became Israel after the partition of 1948 .

Reclaiming the''right of return''of " refugees, living in makeshift camps, in even of Israel passes for''human hommistes' 'claim as understandable. Require, in the end, the return than ten thousands of them pass, then, for the latter, as a''massive''concession for peace. Especially when we know that Saeb Arekat the figure at seven million.

a''gesture''that Israel will not accept, except to recognize an original fault which could cause future conflict. In a final settlement, only the Jewish state, and on his own initiative, may eventually accept a few thousand as a humanitarian gesture and to family reunification.

The third
''concession''that identifies this online site is a recognition that " Israel as a Jewish state ," in fact that of the UN resolution 181 of the year 1947.

That would indeed be a huge step forward in resolving the conflict.

The only problem is that the chief Palestinian negotiator''camp'', namely Saeb Arekat says " that the Palestinian leadership had" nothing to hide "and that most of the documents released by Al-Jazeera was "a tissue of lies .

A statement by Rue89 ignored because it would reduce''forthwith''published analysis a rag paper.''analysis''A deliberately forgets that the Muslim world refuses absolutely everything Jewish control over the Temple Mount became "The Temple Mount " that " ; right of return "as required for seven million individuals, dixit Saeb Arekat itself, and not a few thousand and that the PA president, but not only has always refused to recognize Israel as home of the Jewish people, whether at negotiations of Annapolis with Ehud Olmert or upon the request of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu .

Some media, so eager to find a''peace partner''in Israel, too often forget that this nation has also its word say in the resolution of a conflict he would not. Logic dictates that the defeated camp accepts or refuses the conditions of the winner. Nowadays it is common for journalists and political mind that Israel emerged victorious from all the confrontations and imposed concessions to can only come from his side.

concessions encouraging unfortunately whenever an escalation of the Arab-Muslim world and some gestures''Palestinian''to confuse idiots so helpful and so quick to praise them.

Thing now well understood by the Israelis .

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Nadine Jansen Cigarette

Elisabeth Guigou and boycott of the Jewish state

Elisabeth Guigou is member of Seine Saint-Denis, 93 said 9-3. In this French department, and in others as well, some are trying to boycott Israeli goods briskly. And not just those from the "colonies " which represent, in the end, so little of the trade balance of this country but for many Palestinian workers''local''.

This, while the French law prohibits and permits the pursuit of wrongdoers to, among other reasons, "public provocation to discrimination."

For the Socialist MP, former Minister of Justice and seeking permanent voters for his re-election future, this act illegal under the law is nothing more than " political act . She said " shocked by this desire to be condemned by a court taking a political position, which has nothing to do with any incentive anti-Semitism to racism or other discrimination .

Thus, she joined thirteen thousand others signed a petition calling for "solidarity with Stéphane Hessel, Alima Boumediene-Thierry, and all victims of repression " French ... obviously!

A group admitting still in its manifesto that " Some of us call for a boycott of all Israeli products, others "Target" the only products of Israeli settlements, and still others choose different forms of action. But we are all united to deny categorically that activists of the Campaign Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions (BDS) will be charged and tried for "public incitement to discrimination" on the contrary, then they fight against any form of discrimination. "

A petition calling for a clear rejection of any trial, including activists have also called them, a total boycott of Israeli products. Activists that the member, it seems, do not argue if one refers to his urgent request, with the online site Médiapart , modify the header of an interview that they were given to this subject and on the origin of products to boycott: " Elisabeth Guigou: the boycott of products manufactured by Israel in the occupied territories is a political act''''.

A Elisabeth Guigou a posteriori a distinction between the origin of products to boycott, including a de facto distinction between the boycotters. A change of title and precision that challenges all quidam about the exact legal nature of general boycott! If it is not contrary to a "political act " because otherwise why have spawned an explanation and changed the title (?), Would it be a "public provocation discrimination "against a people and therefore accountable?

If so, one wonders, in this case, the support-that of a member of the Republic guarantees its laws to a manifesto calling for leave unpunished individuals acting in a discriminatory manner against a people who have already discovered in his flesh, a few decades ago,''the joys of''Boycott! Ostracism practiced against one people regardless of their government, not against the worst dictatorships here it is easy to identify. A boycott is totally discriminatory and not in honor of those claiming to be defenders of human rights.

Elisabeth Guigou felt compelled to clarify the scope of its commitment to this petition. But not all the same to raise doubts in the minds of his constituents about his support for the''Palestine.'' However, support that will force politicians to compromise more and more to get their re-elections to distort the uses of the Republic when it comes to the Jewish state.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Advantage And Disadvantages Of Dbms

shared goal among Palestinians'''' The World Peace Now

Everyone remembers that the''Palestinian'' Jawaher Abu Rahmah had succumbed to the hospital in Ramallah result, they said, to'' ''Israeli brutality exercised in a peaceful'' weekly demonstration against the route the wall of separation''to Bilin . Death due to inhaling tear gas at the rally. Died immediately attributed to the''brutality''by the Israeli military politically correct version of the customary things. That of use spontaneous pushing up the vice ridicule Israeli explanation whatsoever and taking cash, without checks, those from ''Palestinian leaders.'' Responsible, as Saeb Arékat , not hesitating to describe also the death of "Israeli war crime !

Following these hasty accusations, the Israeli army has appointed a commission of inquiry which has just made a report based on medical records of the deceased and related treatment provided. Hence the conclusion of a " Deaths caused due to misdiagnosis and inappropriate care that followed .

due to ignorance of the inhaled gas, the doctors have to undergo treatment against poisoning with phosphorus fertilizer instead of a tear gas poisoning. She was treated with atropine, a massive dose, thereby causing an overdose.

Conclusion corroborating the claims of the Israeli army and then exonerate of any charge. Particularly, that of "war crime " advanced so quickly, then forgotten for lack of wanting to go through the box apology.

Regret not presented by the representatives of the politically correct media, such Laurent Zecchini the daily Le Monde , who has used this unfortunate fact for communicate to its readers, with the approval of his writing, anti-Israel venom that inhabits it. A newspaper was presented to its readership, at the time of this writing, the conclusion of the report leading to an Israeli unbearable innocence in his eyes.

As for the splinter group Peace Now , displayed in the pro-Israel think like many others of his ilk, he did not hesitate to organize the next day in Tel Aviv an event in protest of the death of Abu Rahmah Jawaher .

Thus, it is written in their press release then-" Jawaher Abu Rahmah is thus the first victim of this conflict in 2011 . To date, the chapel of the''peace at any price''did not bother to refute and correct the''truth''. A conviction as an accomplice of the haters of "the Zionist entity " and which necessarily compelled to see his political opponents of "right-wing extremists . A belief that foul sees the Palestinians''victims''and their''brothers''blood automatically of potential assassins.

Forgetting, of these supporters of a fanatical Palestinianism, correction and / or publication of the report is not fair to surprise observers. These are not fooled by their writings as granting more credit to their claim to defend the values of human rights. A scheme allowing them to infuse anti-globalization ideology is dangerous to the future of the individual and especially for the Jewish state and therefore its people.

policy emetic to force everyone to not take their word at their next anti-Israel diatribes.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Feminine Itching Waxing

and unshakeable faith of Charles Enderlin

is no longer the journalist Charles Enderlin . Everyone knows he is sent to the Standing Jerusalem of France 2 past twenty years and is regarded by his peers, but not only, as a "great Professional "of Middle East conflict. This explains the numerous invitations and long air time that the profession gives him when he publishes a book or that its''light'' are claimed. A petition also the ready at all going in his favor when a''boorish''dares to doubt the veracity of his picture!
; ; ;
Yet to read his writings closely, especially those available on his blog it is difficult for some readers differently and clearly enjoying the conflict does not automatically benefit from this qualification.

In an article entitled " 2011 The year of the Middle East? , "the author looks for the fault on the current situation of conflict. Deadlock, he tells us, by the responsibility of the Israeli minister of defense, Ehud Barak , and according to the statement two representatives of the National Security Council at the White House " Obama has listened to Barak as a student against his teacher and trusted him. But it did not hold its promises regarding the peace process and freeze construction in [colonies] .

A minister, however, aware of the reality around him and repeating: " Stop bugging me with this history of negotiations ... There will be no Palestinian state! They want to take Haifa and Jaffa! . No less!

However, according to the analysis of the''professional'' France 2, " responsibility for the total deadlock is located in the peace process lies squarely with twizzles faces Barack Obama . And remember that " June 4, 2009 in her Cairo speech, he called for complete cessation of Israeli settlement. Three months later, he spoke only of "slow". There was then all the broken promises to the Palestinians after ten months of indirect negotiations .

If it is laughable to see a belligerent imposing pre-conditions to begin a round of peace negotiations, there is no doubt at this stage of reflection for Charles Enderlin the conflict boils down to being a confit cons " imperialism " Israeli lack of a clear citation of other reasons.

As a result, he excuses somewhat administration U.S.. " President of the United States is powerless to development policy of the Israeli settlements. Benjamin Netanyahu was even allowed to respond with a plea in the call to freeze construction started on September 30 by Obama since the last forum of the UN General Assembly. And the Congress - more pro-Israel than ever - will not grow at pressures on the right-wing government in Israel .

Demonstration made by the author in the end, only the state of Israel is responsible for blocking Current! A guilt found in all''analysis''of this''great information professional''and distilled at every opportunity without restrictions. Reasoning that is often forgotten consideration of refusal''Palestinian''. Rebuttal of Israel's demands, whatever the government in place, such as explicit recognition of Israel as a nation of Jewish people throughout the Muslim world and especially by the Palestinian Authority so quick to consider in the immediate future a range of actions to its progress in its strategy of international recognition of a state, except to give concessions necessary for peace.
; ;                                                                             
attitude that gene apparently point Charles Enderlin to his papers. For him, the resolution of conflict is up to Israeli goodwill. Thus, it has never been convicted or an editorial, for example, the requirement of an incredible future state of Palestine'''' judenrein . Cleansed of all Jewish presence, recalling it sad memories, although this land was the ancestral land. A requirement of''purity''clearly displayed by Abbas and can not be ignored by claiming that " specialist of the topic. However, the idea of a reciprocal evoked by Avigdor Lieberman in previous elections in 2009 did not, as we imagine, got his vote!
; ; ;
His text ends with the''threat''of Palestinian chaos if the actions undertaken by September next prove fruitless. Namely, the dissolution of the Autonomous Authority and the obligation of Israel to support fully the territories. Abbas would, it seems, " already appointed the delegation should go to the Presidency of the Council in Jerusalem to announce the new Benjamin Netanyahu " (sic).

Is not there already proof that all deserve better for the''Palestinian''called''moderate''to recognize the Jewish people's right to self determination on part of the land of the ancestors? Is not this also the position of Hamas, a terrorist group as recognized by international bodies, whose project is just another'''' Palestine from the sea to the Jordan?
; ; ;
Interrogations n'interpellent way that Charles Enderlin . A judicious questioning that gene, it seems, the ideology that stamp our thinking''reporter''. A journalist became the emblem of the profession by the blinders he wears and has priority over respect for ethics but of a belief whose substrate is the accusation of systemic Israel. Whatever makes this country!


Other Articles on Charles Enderlin by the search on Google homepage blog.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Outlet Canada Snowboard

Eyal Golan sings for Gilad Shalit

Even if I do not agree to a deal at any price with criminals Hamas I can only thank Eyal Golan have made a song whose profit will be fully vested in the objective of returning the soldier hostage at home.

What Does 94fbr Mean?

How to interpret this? Laurent Zecchini

Mahmoud Zahar is one of the pundits of Hamas. Here's what he said ago:

" Meanwhile, Mahmoud Zahar, a leader of Hamas, said that his movement is" to Only steps away from winning a historic victory "over Israel. Victory for which the Palestinians will still pay a heavy price, "he said.

"The victory cost the lives of many of our son," Zahar told a crowd of supporters gathered in Gaza on the second anniversary of Cast Lead. "But when the next confrontation with the Zionist entity, we will take the dreams of our fathers .

The dream of the fathers being the eradication of the Jewish homeland, however, decided by the international community November 29, 1947 by Resolution 181, should see this''prose''the threat of the use of a dirty bomb at the next conflagration?

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pound Cake Mix Betty Crocker

and Le Monde to work

can not be overemphasized! Most journalists working in the Middle East conflict direct their readers to the primary anti-Israelism. Their thinking is hampered by indigestible''analysis''ready to use they have swallowed before they reach the scene. An''analysis''Manichaean decided definitively that the Israeli is evil personified.

Laurent Zecchini is. The correspondent of the daily Le Monde in Israel strikes again intellectually readers of this journal foul. In an article " Controversy over the circumstances of the death of Jawaher the Palestinian Abu Ramah "(1), it could spread to your heart's''talent''along the columns at its disposal for the sake of Palestine, which transcends and not for a thorough investigation on the chosen subject and whose readers are paying the right to expect. To read his article, no doubt the version it supports.

Thus, the correspondent said from the outset that " In this dark and tragic history, there is only one certainty: Jawaher Abu Rahmah a Palestinian woman of 36 years, died Saturday, January 1, to the hospital in Ramallah .

It is clear to this reporter that the woman's death is directly linked to the demonstration against the security fence in Bilin . So confident, that the judge at the outset "dark and tragic . For him, there is no shadow of a doubt that the two events are not separate facts!

He continues: " The circumstances of his death give rise to a growing debate in Israel, combining the activists of the movement against the" security fence "(the" wall "of separation) which cuts the West Bank, an Israeli press sometimes very partisan , and army officials quick to exploit a truth that suits them .

In his own words, if "sometimes " the Israeli press is "very partisan " one can infer that is not always! Involuntary confession, which downgrades its rating of the press. Moreover, it would have been interesting if the reporter tells us the state of the French press which not everyone knows how it is reached but''Palestinian''! Especially in the case he is preoccupied and we quote, on behalf of professional ethics, integrity, some media showing a hand instrumentalization verified leaders Palestinian Authority or the police, or affirming the doubt about the responsibility of IDF in the death of the''Palestinian''! Media it will be hard to find but not the declarations, inter alia, Saeb Arékat so quickly denounced the "war crimes " Israeli!

Other examples of''fairness'':

- "The September 4, 2007, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled in favor of the residents of Bilin, ordering the Army to realign, depriving the village 60% of its farmland. That order, like the previous , remained a dead letter .

His readers do not know of course that the portion of the existing fence will be dismantled when that which is built as a replacement is completed. However, they easily imagine led by the journalist''includes''the long list of judgments that the IDF ignores. A journalist, however, could not even begin the actual list.

- " Many columnists in the popular press have chimed in, denouncing the "radical leftists and anarchists of Bilin, which seek to make" another Mohammed Al-Dura ", named after a young Palestinian to 12 years killed in September 2000, beginning of the second intifada , and became a symbol of Palestinian resistance .

Take advantage of one or the other versions so that Al-Dura case has never been decided by an independent publicly-claimed, moreover, by the party opposing Charles Enderlin - denotes a blatant bias. Write the version of the''assassination''of the child Mohammed al-Dura -understood by the Israelis, in an article is a sign of lack of seriousness about the rigor required by the profession to any journalist .

But Laurent Zecchini , most not so much in the publication of the new controversy in the pounding made truths. It is not surprising then, that readers steeped in certainties, Gobe along gag items, provide in the comments that " The Israeli military behavior that reminds one more effective in fascist dictatorships. Trying to hide the truth under a deluge of false information shows that they are unable to assume their barbaric behavior occupying power. Condemned by the UN and by all democratic countries, the Zionists continue, without qualms, the establishment of Greater Israel, in defiance of all the people around them . (Claude Danglot 09/01/11 - 2:58 p.m.).

World and small hands have the desired result. I bet they will not stop in if''good''way.

********************************************* ***********

Read also on the same subject: ''Art''by Laurent Zecchini .

If it becomes very difficult to broach the subject of Islam site , it is equally impossible to condemn the newspaper Le Monde and its lackeys. This article has been also censored .

Understandable, since we just learned that Abu Rahmah Jawaher died of an overdose of drugs for treatment against cancer that she received, not the way the Palestinians'''' and newspapers were claiming the foul disseminated.

Read about it Requien for site

Thursday, January 6, 2011

What Is The Best Chef Knife Yahoo

News of Quebec cinema in France

Then there's friends, things are linked together rather well. The last time I spoke to my highlight of the year: Cinema du Quebec in Paris . The other (or others) highlight film for me is always the French release of a Quebec film. Especially when it looks exciting, and the event is rare.

Fire is an adaptation of the play written by Wajdi Mouawad. This is the fourth film by Denis Villeneuve after Un 32 août sur terre , Maelstrom and Polytechnic .

Released January 12, 2011.

Chicken Wings Us Wholesalers

Low maneuvers left Jewish and Israeli-Jewish

There was a time when the Israeli left was honored with the Zionism and defended the state of Israel with panache and brilliance in the forums international but also on the military. The Labour Party did not hesitate then to thwart the plans of the enemy either by cunning or by force when necessary. This had left primary objective is to ensure the safety and values of the Jewish state, without compromising in the least-its sustainability, but also to denounce loudly and deliberately destroying the Palestinians to''common''in the Arab League and the Muslim world.

Nowadays, left yesterday is gone. Asserting that being today looks more like a brotherhood of adepts of the new religion of "human rights " forgetting that the Jewish state is first and must remain a refuge for his people. A belief that provides shamelessly be able to make a just and lasting peace for the region.

Thus, both Jewish and Israeli left does not hesitate to use and incite fear in order to resume as soon as the power to enable it to achieve the peace she had promised and promised again, but failed to do during its previous mandates.

his view, the current government consists of several parties is obviously " extreme right." The Likud, the main component of the majority, is simply disqualified length of columns and reviews. Hence the illegitimacy of this government and all about his denunciation by illustrious ''priests''of e this new faith as Eli Barnavi . From JCall , J Street and other Peace Now Kadima party , the government must "make key "of power as he has been advised recently by Shaul Mofaz. No less!

Another fear is often stirred Demography. Thus, we come to learn''''once again that by 2014 (?) Muslims are a majority in number between Jordan and the sea that this addition is again not shown , it is unclear how even the political majority can pass from hand and allow Mahmoud Abbas, or any other Palestinian leader''''non-Israeli to get the Council presidency and jeopardize the right to self-determination of the Jewish people to their land!

Often it is mentioned that delay in reaching an agreement undermines Israel because the "window of opportunity " for a peace treaty narrows over time or closes . Both peoples are geographically separated and the idea of a state of''Palestine''is inconceivable judenrein for genuine human hommistes, it is doubtful whether it difficult to draw a line as we can not understand this call to sacrifice the interests of the Jewish state and rush to accept any proposal that will come!

Other''threat''that hangs over the head of Israel . This international recognition of a state of''Palestine''in " 1967 borders." That certainly would put Israel in an unenviable position but would not advance a thumb quest for a solution to the problem of Jerusalem , the "settlers " or that of "refugees . Quite the contrary, this recognition will feel uncomfortable when the world community''Palestinians''will require a major action for exercising their''rights''so easily obtained.

Another''danger''is often raised. One to be angry with the chief ally of the Jewish state in refusing to yield to his orders. Namely the United States of America, the main ally in the UN and donor of a vital weapon in the Israeli superiority over its enemies. But a U.S. administration in the hands of the American people, a real big brother of the Jewish people and sharing, beyond the security and economic agreements, universal values.

As you can see, the left does not hesitate to play these fears, but also compel others to the Israeli voter to return quickly in her lap. Not representing a political line mere shadow of itself in the Israeli electorate but also the Jewish people. Thus the French Jewish community, for example, broadly supported the petition to keep Reason rather than that borne by Jewish celebrities but also by media seeking a Jewish War.

Similarly, Israel, the Labor party electorally collapses, and the Kadima party imagines to power leading a coalition of parties that now denounces as "extremists right "and''incompetent''to govern, lack of natural allies of his camp.

Following this table, we can predict that the current coalition is in place for some time yet. At the very least, the time that the left finds his spirits and sense of common interest.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kates Playground Vide

Alter Gideon Levy

no introduction what is commonly called the "alter-Jews." Exist in firm opposition to the vast majority of Israeli people, they avail themselves of the corporation, to impose their vision of human rights taking precedence over those of the community, state ideology as their savior, delegitimize opponents of their doctrine, and if that does not convince they will accuse any left to lie.

What at least be described as useful idiot for the cause of the many enemies of the Jewish people.

Gideon Levy is one of them. Israeli paper, he does not hesitate to pay the person the defense of those''values''. Columnist in the daily Haaretz , which many call him " the Israeli Foul "in comparing the French newspaper, he confirmed that this holding is in no way a casting error and is given the impressive number of occasions his columns, translated and disseminated by anti-Zionist sites, support to enemies of the Jewish state.

Thus it has recently been heard live on Channel One Israeli Arutz 1 , IDF accuse of being responsible for the death of Abu Rahma Jawaher , for allegedly inhaling tear gas to disperse a demonstration in Bilin against the security fence. You should have heard evidence that the soldiers were, in general, intentionally''Palestinian''. No restraint was exercised by the soldiers against them. That because of their''brutal''the outcome was always the same. And cite some other examples of Palestinian casualties''''''littering the track record''of the army.

short! Charges which, taken literally, obviously can qu'écœurer viewers what they are satisfied that Charges by cons, naturally those who have long denounced the " soldiery" of Israeli society, or its various political regimes undoubtedly " racist. "

Except, that following an investigation by the IDF the death of Abu Rahma Jawaher, which the Palestinian Authority refused to participate in contrast to the usual it appears that the protester was not in the''peaceful protest called''and could well die at the hands of the army. It is also, as stated Israeli she was suffering from terminal leukemia.

assertions which, if correct, question about the game of Palestinian leaders''who'', through the voice of Saeb Areka (chief negotiator in the peace process) was quick to qualify death of the young Palestinian woman as an act which "is part crimes war that Israel commits against the Palestinian people "or that of spokesman Nabil Abu AP Rudeina denouncing" the escalation of Israeli violence against peaceful demonstrations s' !

What, certainly fuel the ongoing public hearing of the state of Israel even though no proof no evidence to support their allegations. Process which follows the same approach as the''murder''of the child Mohammed al-Dura ,''Killed''also rumored public by Israeli soldiers, even though there is no evidence, again, corroborate this charge. ''Crime''has since become internationally renowned thanks to the care of Charles Enderlin , envoy Standing France 2 Jerusalem to stubbornly maintained in this office by Gideon Levy ! In their eyes of journalists activists, these examples are first emblematic of the attitude of Israeli forces even if they would check totally false. ; ;

It is obvious from the foregoing that the reality has not taken on the alter-Jews and that only ideology is so important it will provide certainty that Israelis are, whatever they do, and guilty to yield to international injunctions and the Palestinians'' ''necessarily''victims''and to be supported in their demands.

ensure the perpetuation of the conflict, the weakening of the Jewish state and consequently increase in threats against the Jewish people.

******************** This article, also aired on the French site , was also censored. It is becoming increasingly difficult to denounce Islam or its Alliès''''in France.

this subject, read the following article: Requiem for site