It seems that in France all ends with songs ...
Here, everything begins and ends with photographs!
few speeches and a show is an interlude!

Many people for this opening set to 19h, but actually started at 17:30 with the arrival of some exhibitors, the most faithful of these shows since their work was selected each time: Peter Donahoe and Matthias Hagemann

In such circumstances the speeches are in order, starting with host Sandra Ayroles, Director of Cultural Affairs.

Then comes the turn of Marie-Noëlle Leroy, Curator of the exhibition, expressed both by word with his hands under the watchful eye of Arnold Lévénez responsible for La Capsule ...

The party is then initiated by the company that introduced the Moon Gate Javomaton a machine to hear his "inner self"

To immortalize the evening was of course the use of photography!
The 18 exhibitors are invited to be in the studio of the capsule, where Jean-Claude Beaumont performs some group portraits. But two
endless chattering missing: Mimi Brocas and Guilhem Senges had initiated a discussion (on the pinhole no doubt) and have missed that shot! (Please click on the image to view larger / click On The Picture To See it larger)

An evening that ends in joy and good humor, catalogs in hand, and under the sign of the lucky number of this exhibition! 4-4-4

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